Thursday, November 6, 2008

Each & Every Insearcher on The Blog Post

These are my thoughts on my little school pals. Or at least, all the ones that are found on the Comm315 Blogroll.

Samantha Felice- An adoreable child I do not see enough. I wish I could harrass her in person on a daily basis.
Acid Cowboy- Hugo is up to no good. This boy has had one too many visits from The Cat In The Hat.
Boa- Awesome name, coz it sounds like "Bowie" or "Feather Boa". I bet this kid has a secret life of sparkles and camp-glam.
Emily Gorski- Has a last name which sounds like it would go well with cheese. I like talking to this girl, she's a good listener and makes the cutest noises when ranted at.
Jelina- Has as much sexy attitude as the masthead on her blog. There are two words to sum her up- "Woo Woooooo".
Mia- Her name is not on her blog, but I can tell from the colours that this is her page. (hope i'm right) But yes. Thinking of Mia- I think of nice colours.
Nicke- Adoreable little giggler. Her smile makes me happy.
Ripina- So now I've found out that she has a wonderful blog, and that she is a slinky singer and a reality TV star... this girl has an exitingly glamourous secret life.
Daisy Gunn- What an awesome name!? If my name was Daisy Gunn, I would use it to become famous.
Sara- Her accent makes me weak at the knee. I wish I had her voice, I would be all like: "Daaaarling- i go to get manicure, i driiiiive my rollz roice, bar-har-har, fck yooou poor peeeople!"
Fan- Fan Li has a brother. His name is Ken. "Ken Liiiii, I dibbeeee dibbeee doubt yooooou." I will never get tired of that. I love giggling with Fan.
Skye- I will never forget the way she looks when she wears big sunglasses. She is always good for bringing the smiles.
Zara- This girl is clever and humble and tallking to her is one of the delights of my day.
Spartan Legend- A man of enigma... well I presume it's a man. I have no idea who this is. My guess is that it is Michael II, he seems big on the apocolypse.
Romy- is cute. Her blog is really well designed, I love the colours.
Ria- Has a fantastic blog- it's minimalistic and chic, just like her.
Sunny- Min Sun, Sun Shine- Minney Mouse... so cute! Sunny always smiles alot.
- Bruther, Calm Down. Behave yourself. You have a good blog mate.
- is pritty. Her blog is black and slinky.
Kathy-is yet to bring me cocktails. She's the cutest cocktail waitress I know.
- is so cute. she's adoreable... and her blog is also very minxy.
Marylin- has such a great blog! it looks awesome.
- I'm gonna try to pronounce her blog URL: wuxusikao. "Woo-zoo-see-cow." Brining the high culture.
- Is cute and has cheeks that need pinching!
- Needs to be in more of my classes. David is a top character.
Gokcett- Seeing Gokcett's name on the screen reminds me of the world Rocket. Is that strange? Oh well, Gokcett know's I am strange.
Viv- I love what this lil fashionista has done with the peacock featers. It, like her, looks really cool.

My Friends On The Web

We are all bored of hearing about how the internet is a revolutionary way of sharing info online. I am friends with a few visual magicians, who use the internet to promote themselves and their work. I recommend you take a look at their sites:
Hellen Rose The Magnificent
Nic The Photographer
Joesph The Flashy Webber
Now I am going to talk about a few of my classmates blogs, which, frankly, aren't as exiting but they are a lot more cute!
TimmyTimmyIamtimmy- I want to pinch Tim's cheeks! His writing style is simple and shoots out the info from the reader better than a super soaker.
Shinji Yamamoto- Supa Kawaii! I luuuurve this japanese skitzo dancer!
Nicke's Words Anatomy- Put together beautifully- Nicke is a sexy minx!

My Thoughts On Podcasts

Since spending long hours and lots of dollars on ipods that break or are faulty, I became, as a consumer, very unwilling to trust anything with "pod" in the name.
In 2001, I jumped the Napster bandwagon and had been using the internet as a music-getting resource ever since. On a daily basis I listen to streaming radio programs, capture music from blogs and even expand my musical horizons by surfing music blogspheres like
I still don't own, and would not ever buy an apple ipod. But this has not stopped me from exploring and starting to like podcasts. I began liking podcasting when I became glued-to a computer screen 9-5 each day, doing mind-numbingly monotonous work. When I am sitting at work, fiddling with coding, I never feel like listening to anything too lyrically complex- nor do I feel like playing around with playlists, itunes and all that crap. The first Podcast I began listening to was one by a Sydney DJ collective called TheeBangGang. It was great to plug myself into their tunes and let my brain rot and fizzle with the doof-doofs and ziddle-ziddles, and not have to worry about switching tracks. Another great thing about podcasts is that they update themseleves on your computer- so I'd come back from lunch and find new music to listen to. Sadly, the orginal BangGang podcast no longer exists and happily I no longer need to numb my sizzling brain cells. But there are some great Podcasts out there about really cool stuff. A few I like are:
Nomad Radio
Skullistic Radio

Blogger Ethics

Reporters Sans Frontiers- a very influential hub of media information- displays an article penned by Dan Gillmor entitled "What Ethics Should Bloggers Have".
Throughout this article, Gillmor lists concepts like: thoroughness, accuracy, fairness, transparancy and independence.
In March 2008, a group of copywriters from The Observer listed what they found to be The World's 50 Most Powerful Blogs. Examining Gillmor's list of ethics, and then looking at the blogs listed as the most powerful in the world, it is apparent that very few of them follow all or any of these ethical guidelines. Most specifically, The Huffington Post- voted number one most powerful blog does not fulfill any of the ethical guidelines.
Pointing this out clears the way for my question: Do you really think citizen journalism should be used as a trusted news source???

My Understanding Of Citizen Journalism

As viewers of prime-time television news, many people see examples of citizen journalism without being aware of it. It is common for news programs to request pictures & video taken from mobile phones to use as coverage of breaking news stories. Australia's Channel TEN is a clear example of a network that gathers news content in this manner, they have even dubbed this feature of their news "Roving Reporter".
Another not-always-noticed form of citizen journalism are online entertainment blogs. These usually cover fashion, music, art & design and literature- but they can be about anything in the world. These blogs can be useful because they inform readers about new products and consumer trends that have not made it to retail shelves or printed publications. For example, music blogs such as Insomnia Radio, contain great music that will not be heard on radio, for listeners to download and keep.
Gone are the days where journalism means a sharp suited, smooth talking, network bigwig- My experience tells me that citizen journalism is people from all kinds of demographics sharing information about anything at all.
Have you ever seen a photo on the TV news taken from a mobile phone? Or Are there any blogs you visit that you now recognise as citizen journalism?