Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Thoughts On Podcasts

Since spending long hours and lots of dollars on ipods that break or are faulty, I became, as a consumer, very unwilling to trust anything with "pod" in the name.
In 2001, I jumped the Napster bandwagon and had been using the internet as a music-getting resource ever since. On a daily basis I listen to streaming radio programs, capture music from blogs and even expand my musical horizons by surfing music blogspheres like
I still don't own, and would not ever buy an apple ipod. But this has not stopped me from exploring and starting to like podcasts. I began liking podcasting when I became glued-to a computer screen 9-5 each day, doing mind-numbingly monotonous work. When I am sitting at work, fiddling with coding, I never feel like listening to anything too lyrically complex- nor do I feel like playing around with playlists, itunes and all that crap. The first Podcast I began listening to was one by a Sydney DJ collective called TheeBangGang. It was great to plug myself into their tunes and let my brain rot and fizzle with the doof-doofs and ziddle-ziddles, and not have to worry about switching tracks. Another great thing about podcasts is that they update themseleves on your computer- so I'd come back from lunch and find new music to listen to. Sadly, the orginal BangGang podcast no longer exists and happily I no longer need to numb my sizzling brain cells. But there are some great Podcasts out there about really cool stuff. A few I like are:
Nomad Radio
Skullistic Radio

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