Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Friends On The Web

We are all bored of hearing about how the internet is a revolutionary way of sharing info online. I am friends with a few visual magicians, who use the internet to promote themselves and their work. I recommend you take a look at their sites:
Hellen Rose The Magnificent
Nic The Photographer
Joesph The Flashy Webber
Now I am going to talk about a few of my classmates blogs, which, frankly, aren't as exiting but they are a lot more cute!
TimmyTimmyIamtimmy- I want to pinch Tim's cheeks! His writing style is simple and shoots out the info from the reader better than a super soaker.
Shinji Yamamoto- Supa Kawaii! I luuuurve this japanese skitzo dancer!
Nicke's Words Anatomy- Put together beautifully- Nicke is a sexy minx!

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