Thursday, November 6, 2008

Each & Every Insearcher on The Blog Post

These are my thoughts on my little school pals. Or at least, all the ones that are found on the Comm315 Blogroll.

Samantha Felice- An adoreable child I do not see enough. I wish I could harrass her in person on a daily basis.
Acid Cowboy- Hugo is up to no good. This boy has had one too many visits from The Cat In The Hat.
Boa- Awesome name, coz it sounds like "Bowie" or "Feather Boa". I bet this kid has a secret life of sparkles and camp-glam.
Emily Gorski- Has a last name which sounds like it would go well with cheese. I like talking to this girl, she's a good listener and makes the cutest noises when ranted at.
Jelina- Has as much sexy attitude as the masthead on her blog. There are two words to sum her up- "Woo Woooooo".
Mia- Her name is not on her blog, but I can tell from the colours that this is her page. (hope i'm right) But yes. Thinking of Mia- I think of nice colours.
Nicke- Adoreable little giggler. Her smile makes me happy.
Ripina- So now I've found out that she has a wonderful blog, and that she is a slinky singer and a reality TV star... this girl has an exitingly glamourous secret life.
Daisy Gunn- What an awesome name!? If my name was Daisy Gunn, I would use it to become famous.
Sara- Her accent makes me weak at the knee. I wish I had her voice, I would be all like: "Daaaarling- i go to get manicure, i driiiiive my rollz roice, bar-har-har, fck yooou poor peeeople!"
Fan- Fan Li has a brother. His name is Ken. "Ken Liiiii, I dibbeeee dibbeee doubt yooooou." I will never get tired of that. I love giggling with Fan.
Skye- I will never forget the way she looks when she wears big sunglasses. She is always good for bringing the smiles.
Zara- This girl is clever and humble and tallking to her is one of the delights of my day.
Spartan Legend- A man of enigma... well I presume it's a man. I have no idea who this is. My guess is that it is Michael II, he seems big on the apocolypse.
Romy- is cute. Her blog is really well designed, I love the colours.
Ria- Has a fantastic blog- it's minimalistic and chic, just like her.
Sunny- Min Sun, Sun Shine- Minney Mouse... so cute! Sunny always smiles alot.
- Bruther, Calm Down. Behave yourself. You have a good blog mate.
- is pritty. Her blog is black and slinky.
Kathy-is yet to bring me cocktails. She's the cutest cocktail waitress I know.
- is so cute. she's adoreable... and her blog is also very minxy.
Marylin- has such a great blog! it looks awesome.
- I'm gonna try to pronounce her blog URL: wuxusikao. "Woo-zoo-see-cow." Brining the high culture.
- Is cute and has cheeks that need pinching!
- Needs to be in more of my classes. David is a top character.
Gokcett- Seeing Gokcett's name on the screen reminds me of the world Rocket. Is that strange? Oh well, Gokcett know's I am strange.
Viv- I love what this lil fashionista has done with the peacock featers. It, like her, looks really cool.

1 comment:

1a said...

Up to no good? I resent that, I'm like a character from a picaresque novel, I go on a series of hilariously entertaining escapades.

Though I do like the extrapolation that I've received too many visits from the Cat in The Hat, it makes it sound like I go on a variety of trippy, ultra-violet, yellow submarinesque adventures. It also sounds like the name of a particularly gregarious dealer.